Ultimate Guide for the
CFC Intramural Open
Our goals at CrossFit Culpeper revolve around guiding you, educating you, and inspiring you.
Part of the way we choose to inspire you is to bring our community together and show you what the power of a group can do. Competition is a great way to accomplish this – The pressure to perform will elevate your effort; dozens of your best friends shouting at you will help fuel your adrenaline and reach new heights. We’ve seen this time and time again in the past, and each year as the CrossFit Open rolls around, we get excited to watch it all come to fruition for another year.
Each year, CrossFit HQ hosts The CrossFit Open. This is a worldwide competition meant to find the Fittest On Earth. But for the majority of us Average Joes, it’s an opportunity to come together as a community, complete a few weeks worth of workouts, and celebrate all the things each of us will accomplish. This year, the CrossFit Open starts on February 29th – March 16th, and for those of you who have been around the sun with us, we are very excited about the CFC Intramural Open!
Deciding to register for the CrossFit Open is entirely up to you, but we highly encourage you to. For those of you in the past who have participated with us, this meant registering online with CrossFit HQ (Here). In the past couple of years, we’ve scrapped that mentality. You can register if you want, if comparing yourself to the millions of people worldwide is important to you – by all means. It’s also a great way to measure your progress over the years. This year, we encourage all of you to purchase an open t-shirt for $35. The purchase of the shirt helps to showcase our gym in the community as you wear it, small prizes in the gym during the open, as well help with our after party at the end of the open. Again, this event is about our community coming together. We’re not out here trying to make the CrossFit Games. We’re just out here trying to do some really awesome things, with some really awesome people. You have until February 17th to form your team of 3! So this is what it will look like for you as a participant:
- Purchase your t-shirt for $35
- Register using Zen Planner for your participation in the Open
- Register for the open for $20 (Optional)
As soon as you register, our Client Success Manager – Ronda – will reach out with you to schedule in a Goal Review! One of the best things about the Open is that after it’s all over, we have a better idea of where we stand, and the things we want to accomplish! You will have better ideas of new goals you want to achieve, and we can help you get there. So let’s sit down and chat about it!
Let’s add some friendly competition to our community, and add some points into the mix to race towards! Some things that points will count for:
- points for your team dressing in theme
- points for the Judging someone’s workout
- points for showing up on Friday night (5pm – 7:30pm)
- points for completing the workout, even if you can’t make it on the Friday night lights
- points for hitting a new PR (Must show previous time/lift in BTWB)
- points for all team members showing up (At Least one person must perform the workout that day)
- points for posting to our main crossfit page (Not members only page) and tags the post with #CFCINTRAMURAL2024
- A point for making a team poster that you bring each week (One point per team per week)
- plus a few surprise ways to earn points!
When the Open is all said and done, we’ll tally up the points and announce our winner!
Starting on the week of February 29th, every Thursday night, CrossFit HQ will release the workout for the week. We will put together a suggested warm-up and strategy of attack, and record that for you so you have some information heading into your workout on the Friday of that week! A link will be released with a heat sign-up sheet, and your Team Captains will help you get that sorted and make sure you’re signed up for a time slot!
We encourage you to invite friends, neighbors to come and support you while you workout. Be inspired by the power of community and the atmosphere that the Open creates, and challenge yourself to achieve new things!
In the past if you have participated along with us, you know that the Open offers you a very black-or-white approach. You either complete the workout “RX” or “Scaled” and that was it. Because we are about our community and not about comparing ourselves worldwide, you will see our in-class programming come into play! You can choose to do the workout as it’s written and given to us by HQ, or, approach your Friday like it’s any other day you’re at the gym. Follow our instructions and whiteboard brief on what the intention is supposed to be for the workout, and pick loads/movements that work for you. Run your workout exactly like you would on any other given day. Because again, this is about us coming together. We only care that you are doing the best for YOU. And not everyone fits into the mould that CF HQ pours for the world. We just want to see you challenge yourself, work hard, and most importantly, enjoy yourself. If you’re injured but still come to class or your PT sessions on a normal day, this applies to you as well! Scale and modify as needed!
While we are not giving points for finishing the workout in the RX or Scaled divisions we do understand and appreciate those that are competitive in nature and want to see how they stack up with others in the gym as well as those around the world. We will be keeping track of those doing the workouts RX standard only. This will allow you to compare yourselves to others doing the workouts RX and as prescribed by CrossFit HQ and gauge your progress over the past year.
Keep your eyes open for a FREE nutrition talk in our private Member’s Only group! This will give you all the information you might need to best prepare for your workout, and make sure that your recovery is up to par! More details to come on this also!
I know some of you have been with us for a long time, and the Intramural Open has been a recent change in the last few years. We are excited for these changes, and that our focus has now become on FUN, and community. We’ll bring everyone together and show you the power that this time of year has. It will make you fitter, you’ll collect yourself more air high-fives, and as a result you’ll be happier, enjoying yourself more, and meeting new friends along the way.
Cheers to the 2024 Intramural Open at CrossFit Culpeper!
You in? Register using the following link (here) at or in our private Facebook group! Let’s get started!
Once you’ve registered head over to our private members group and grab the special image for how many years you have participated in the open and make your first open post. *Hint to see how many read this far…. You will get an extra point for making this post using our special graphic!*